ETSY issue Annoucment

Dear valued collectors,

My ETSY shop (RAAQUU) is currently suspended due to multiple failure of deliveries. We have used a new service provider and they have lost multiple packages while breaking many vases due to mishandling.

I have changed delivery provider and am working with ETSY to restore the account. 

I would like to verify that my store on ETSY is not a scam and is a legit representation of my work run by my team.

It is with utmost regret that this has occurred and I assure you that I am working with ETSY to restore my account.

For all orders that are affected, ETSY automatically informs all pending orders that they are to be refunded and that the store is closed ( although I am appealing with a plan of action ). I am very sorry for the missed parcels and issues that this has caused. 

Please know that I am working diligently on a solution and hope to restore my ETSY store.

Your patience with this issue is greatly appreciated.

-Adil Ghani